Open Space and Mountain Parks (OSMP)
Master Planning Process
GUB Phase I
Teen's InputOn July 27, 2016 Growing Up Boulder (GUB) staff worked with Open Space Mountain Parks (OSMP) staff and a group of twelve Jr. Rangers, ages 14 to 17, to determine whether there should be year-round youth voice in OSMP, and if so, what it should look like. This project was initiated in response to the department's wish to include teens and younger children in the OSMP master planning process.
For details on young people's answer (which was a resounding YES), read our report. Download the full report here:
Children's InputIn March 2017, Growing Up Boulder worked with a 4th grade class at Foothill Elementary School to investigate whether or not, as well as how, children wanted to participate in OSMP's upcoming master planning process. The children provided fabulous ideas for how they might participate in a way that will inform not only the OSMP master planning process, but how GUB gathers children's input in general.
Download the full report here:
GUB Phase II
The goal of this first phase of the master plan was to gather feedback from the public related to nine topic areas within OSMP’s scope of work: scenery, natural resources, water and floodplains, visitor enjoyment and facilities, agriculture, limiting sprawl, cultural resources, connections with nature, and acquisitions and funding. Upon completion of the first phase, OSMP will establish five focus areas or priorities related to the community’s values, hopes, and concerns, with the intention of making OSMP’s future one that is guided by responsible stewardship and diverse community input. The role Growing Up Boulder played in this process was twofold: to support OSMP with the creation of child and youth-friendly engagement materials (ie. easy to understand imagery and language), and to facilitate engagements with young people and their families.
Final Reports