Our Mission
Growing Up Boulder is a nonprofit whose mission is to center young people's rights, voices, and agency to advance equitable and sustainable communities for all.
Our Vision
Growing Up Boulder's vision is to cultivate vibrant communities where all young people thrive.
Child Friendly City Map Sponsorship OpportunityWe’re excited to share that the 7th edition of the map will be released this spring. The map reaches an audience of 20,000 families, including Boulder’s elementary and preschool students. Click the link below to learn more!
Our Work in Boulder
amplifying all youth voices, centering those most affected by inequity
YOUTH CIVIC ENGAGEMENT Read about how kids have made an impact on places, programs and policies in Boulder, ranging from park design to safe routes to school to policing. |
CHILD FRIENDLY CITIES INITIATIVE Learn how Growing Up Boulder is working with the City of Boulder and UNICEF USA to make Boulder an internationally-recognized UNICEF Child Friendly City. |
Our Work Beyond Boulder
sharing our model and lessons learned
Because Growing Up Boulder began at the University of Colorado, sharing knowledge one of our goals. We draw inspiration from international, national, and local examples, and we test them out in the living laboratory of Boulder, CO. We offer our approaches, reflections and "lessons learned" through articles, books, interviews, coaching, and workshops. We hope you'll join us on this journey!