Growing Up Boulder partners closely with the City of Boulder to get child, youth, and family input on topics ranging from park design, safe routes to school, comprehensive plans, and more. Our most recent projects are featured below, and for a complete list of Growing Up Boulder projects, click the button.
Featured Projects
30th Street Improvement PlanGrowing Up Boulder staff collaborated with the Boulder’s Transportation and Mobility Department and families living in San Juan del Centro and the Orchard Grove Manufactured Home Community. Both are affordable housing communities associated with the Family Learning Center. Over two sessions, families completed a walk audit, a visual preference survey, and participated in conversations with Growing Up Boulder and City staff about what they would like to see in reimagining 30th Street. Young people and their caregivers overwhelmingly felt that 30th Street is a busy, car-dominated street and not friendly to children, youth, and non-car users. Safety is their greatest concern. Their recommendations were for more beauty, nature, walkable places to gather and eat, and safety measures for pedestrians and bike riders.
Civic Area Phase 2 Project (Part 1)Growing Up Boulder partnered with Boulder Parks and Recreation and 11 Boulder High School’s National Art Honor Society (NAHS) students to gather youth recommendations for the future Civic Area space. Growing Up Boulder facilitated a walk audit to understand how teens currently use and feel in the space, and then over several months, artists sketched and wrote about what they most wanted to see in the reimagined space. In April, students shared their draft plans with city staff, community members, and other decision-makers and exhibited their final works in May. The exhibit, “Young Artists Envision Boulder’s Future Civic Area'' showcases their work through August 2024 at the main Boulder Public Library. The project was featured in the Daily Camera.